Ship Security Alert System (SSAS)SAS-406
The Ship System of the Security Notification "SAS-406" is intended for transfer from a vessel of a signal about threat of safety of a vessel within the framework of International satellite system Cospas-Sarsat. SAS-406 corresponds to requirements of resolutions IMO MSC.136 (76), MSC.147 (77) and MSC/Circ 1072.
SAS-406 It is delivered in the following structure:
» Radio-electronic block (REB) with the reserve power supply 3 LSH-20;
» The aerial;
» An external power unit - the converter 24 V/12 V;
» A box of connections;
» The complete set of buttons of activation of system (2 piece - for independent activation of a signal of the security notification, 1 piece - for testing system);
» The complete set of cables (under the separate order).
Design SAS-406 provides:
Installation REB, a power unit - the converter 24 V/12 V and boxes of connections in internal premises of a vessel (on the running bridge) according to the project developed for it;
Installation of the aerial on a deck according to the project on installation SAS-406.
The note: the length of a cable from REB the aerial should not exceed 20 meters. The length of switching wires from РЭБ up to buttons of activation should not exceed 100 meters.
On characteristics SAS-406 corresponds to specification C/S T.001, resolutions ИМО MSC.136 (76), MSC.147/77 and MSC/Circ 1072 at an external feed 12 V from a power unit - the converter 24 V/12 V, or from a reserve feed. The product is automatically switched to a reserve feed at disappearance of an external source - an onboard network + 24 V.
- Carrying frequency 406028 ± 0,001 MHz
- Capacity of radiation from 3,16 up to 7,94 Wt.
- Duration of the message 520 ± 5,2 msc.
- Speed of transfer of the information 400 ± 4 bod.
- Operation time of a product from the independent power supply makes not less than 24 hours, including, at temperature-20 оС.
- SSAS-406 provides transfer of a signal about threat of safety and at completely disconnected vessel.
- SAS-406 it can be maintained at tO from - 40 ОС up to + 70 ОС.
Capacity consumed from an onboard network 24 V:
- In an on duty mode and in a mode of dump - no more than 0,1 A (3,2 Wt);
- In a mode of transfer and a mode of self-checking - no more than 3,0 A (93 Wt) in a pulse duration of 0,5 seconds and 0,2 A (6,5 Wt) in a pause duration 50 sec.
SAS-406 allows to make in a test mode self-checking of serviceability of the following units:
- " Buttons of activation А1, А2.
- " Means of data input of the current site..
- " A transmitting radio-path.
- " A power unit of 24 V/12 V.
SAS-406 Provides automatic data input of a site (coordinates) from ship receivers GLONAS and GPS according to requirements of the standard of series IEC 61162, offers with the following identifiers are supported and processed: GNS, GLL, GGA, RMC.