MF/HF/UHF Test Equipment
Instrument is designed for checking transmitting and receiving channels of GMDSS complex in accordance
with requirements of part 4 of ship's conventional equipment Regulations and DSC Protocol of International
Radio Consulting Committee requirements 493-8 and 541-7 without emission in the emergency frequencies,
in the wave-bands MF, HF with the channel's wave resistance being 50/75 Ohm and UHF - 50 Ohm.
The Device has the sound alarm of reception (transmission) of DSC
and indicates current time while receiving an transmitting DSC and
controls on-board voltage. The device allows also show out complete
autodiagnostic with LED indication.
While diagnosing (checking) the receiving channel the instrument
allows to:
- Form and send to the input of the receiving unit not less than three
types of DSC messages: 'Distress -5', "Distress -1", "Safety" for
MF, HF on the frequency 2187,5 kHz, 8414,5 kHz; for UHF on the
frequency 156,525 MHz.
- Check the sensitivity of radio receiving device, providing the
controllabi signal level to ship's receiving device input for MF, HF on the
frequency 2185,5 kHz, 8414,5 kHz - 6-60 mV for UHF on the frequency
156,525 MHz - 2-20 mV.
While diagnosing the transmitting channel the instrument allows to check (evaluate):
- Reliability of formation and passing (reception) of CSC messages of Distress format on the frequencies:
MF, HF - 2187,5; 8414,5 kHz, USF - 156,525 Mhz.
- power level in digital form and in the form of a LED bar: MF, HF < 400 W; USF < 40 W.
- distortions, made by RTRD MF/HF, USF by the quantity of synchrobits, proceeding the phase sending
and CSC message check sum.
- transmitting HF channel: transmitter - matching device - aerial by power level.
The set comprises:
№ Description Dimensions Weight Quantity
1 Device 270х215х65 3,6 kg 1
2 50 Оhm equivalent 242х110х60 1,6 kg 1
3 Printer 145х105х60 0,9 kg 1
4 Power supply cable 1
5 HF cable 2
6 Operation manuals (description and log)
VHF- radio stations (VHF- RS), MF/HF radio stations (MF-RS) test equipment is designed for checking:
- VHF equipment of two-way radio-telephone communication over the range 155 - 162 and 120 - 124 mHz for correspondence to the requirements of the ship's equipment Regulations, part IY Radio Equipment.
- GMDSS VHF equipment with DSC for correspondence to the requirements of part IY of the ship's conventional equipment Regulations and DSC Protocol of the International Radio Consulting Committee requirements 493-8 without the emission on the frequency 156,525 mHz.
- MF/HF equipment for correspondence to the frequency emitted by the transmitter over the range 1,6-30 mHz.
During the test of VHF equipment of two-way radio-telephone communication the device allows:
- to check the serviceability of radio stations with amplitude and frequency modulation;
- to measure the frequency of the transmitter over the range 155 - 162 mHz and 120 - 124 mHz;
- to estimate the frequency instability of the transmitter;
- to indicate the emitted power level;
- to measure the deviation level;
- to estimate the discernible signal of the radio station receiver with frequency modulation;
During the test of GMDSS VHF equipment with DSC the device allows:
- to check the reliability of the formation and passing of the DSC messages;
- to check the power level in the digital form and in the form of LED bar < 25 W;
- to measure the frequency 156,525 mHz;
- to form and send to the input of the receiving unit not less than three types of the DSC messages: "Distress-5", "Distress-1", "Safety" on the frequency 156,525 mHz;
- to check the sensitivity of the radio receiving device, providing the controllable signal level to the receiving device input 2 - 20mV on the frequency 156,525 mHz.
During the test of MF/HF transmitter frequency allows
- to measure MF/HF frequency over the range 1,6 - 30 mHz
The Device has the sound alarm of the reception (transmission) of the DSC. During the reception and transmission it controls on-board voltage, and also carries out the complete autodiagnostic with LED indication. The Device has the output on the PC.
The complete set of the shipment comprises:
1. Device - overall dimensions without antenna (mm) 200 x 100 x 45
2. Antenna - VHF measuring one, total height ? 520 mm
3. HF; LF cable, mains-operated
4. Printer (mm) 145 x 105 x 60 or software for PC (agreed while making an order)
5. Power supply unit - charging unit (agreed while making an order)
6. 50 Ohm equivalent, combined (agreed while making an order)
7. Operational manuals (description and log)